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2017-03-13 17:07:46 +00:00
# MetaTech\Silex\ControllerServiceProvider
A service provider for [ Silex ]( for managing DI and mounting on controllers.
### Requirements
PHP 7.0
### Install
The package can be installed using [ Composer ]( (not yet)
composer require meta-tech/silex-controller-service
Or add the package to your `composer.json`.
"require": {
"meta-tech/silex-controller-service" : "1.0"
## Usage
The provider will create a service relative to a Controller instance builded with its dependencies.
If the controller implements the `Silex\Api\ControllerProviderInterface` the provider will also
mount the controller 's routes to the defined routing entry point
## Example
Admit you have a controller Test with dependencies on instanciation :
class Test implements ControllerProviderInterface
public function __construct(Application $app)
// do stuff
You can use the ControllerServiceProvider to create a service to manage your
controller class instanciation :
use MetaTech\Silex\Provider\ControllerServiceProvider;
use Acme\Ctrl\Test;
$app->register(new ControllerServiceProvider(Test::class, [$app], '/test', 'ctrl.'));
**first parameter** is your *controller class*
**second parameter** is an array of your *controller depencies*
**third parameter** define your controller *routing entry point*
**fouth parameter** define your *service 's namespace* to acces your controller (default ctrl.)
the name of the registering service is the *given namespace* followed by your *controller class shortname*
with the previous example `$app['ctrl.Test']` is now available and return your controller instance.
the `connect` method of your controller can now benefits of this service to define appropriate routes, like that :
class Test implements ControllerProviderInterface
public function connect(Application $app)
$collection = $app['controllers_factory'];
$_ = 'ctrl.Test';
$collection->match('/' , "$_:index");
$collection->match('/test', "$_:test");
return $collection;
see source code of `MetaTech\Core\Ws` for an advance controller architecture.
### License
The project is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.