Controller Service Provider for Silex2
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MetaTech Silex ControllerServiceProvider

A service provider for Silex for managing DI and mounting on controllers.


PHP 7.0


The package can be installed using Composer .

composer require meta-tech/silex-controller-service

Or add the package to your composer.json.

"require": {
    "meta-tech/silex-controller-service" : "~1.0"


The provider will create a service relative to a Controller instance builded with its dependencies.
If the controller implements the Silex\Api\ControllerProviderInterface the provider will also mount the controller 's routes to the defined routing entry point


Admit you have a controller Test with dependencies on instanciation :

class Test implements ControllerProviderInterface
    public function __construct(Application $app, string $foo)
        // do stuff

You can use the ControllerServiceProvider to create a service to manage your controller class instanciation :

use MetaTech\Silex\Provider\ControllerServiceProvider;
use Acme\Ctrl\Test;

$app->register(new ControllerServiceProvider(Test::class, [$app, 'foo'], '/test', 'ctrl.'));

first parameter is your controller class
second parameter is an array of your controller dependencies (default [])
third parameter define your controller routing entry point (default null : disabling mounting controller's routes)
fourth parameter define your service 's namespace to access your controller (default 'ctrl.')

The name of the registering service is the given namespace followed by your controller class shortname

With the previous example $app['ctrl.Test'] is now available and return your controller instance.

the connect method of your controller can now benefits of this service to define appropriate routes, like that :

class Test implements ControllerProviderInterface

    public function connect(Application $app)
        $collection = $app['controllers_factory'];
        $_          = 'ctrl.Test';

        $collection->match('/'    , "$_:index");
        $collection->match('/test', "$_:test");

        return $collection;

Controller 's routes are mount on the defined routing entry point (third parameter);

see source code of MetaTech\Silex\Ws\Controller in meta-tech\silex-core for an advance controller architecture.


The project is released under the MIT license, see the LICENSE file.