1.7 KiB
1.7 KiB
based images for Docker
Available Images
- pluie/alpine ( < 10 MB) Alpine/3.2
- pluie/alpine-apache ( ~ 37 MB) Apache/2.4.16 Php/5.6.21
- pluie/alpine-mysql ( ~ 160 MB) Mysql/5.5.47 [MariaDB]
Base Image Structure
|-- install.d/ # deployed in /scripts on target container
| | # launch on docker image building process
| | # XX-name.sh - low XX are run first
| |-- 00-util.sh
| |-- 40-fix.sh
|-- pre-init.d/ # deployed in /scripts on target container
| | # launch on docker container running process
| |-- 50-example.sh
|-- build # build docker image : ./build [TAG]
|-- common.sh # don't modify - sourced by main.sh to execute pre-init.d scripts first
|-- install.sh # don't modify - execute install.d scripts on docker building process
|-- main.sh # source common.sh then execute entry point instruction
|-- util.sh # sourced by common.sh
Extended Image Structure
|-- install.d/
|-- pre-init.d/
|-- build # same as based image
|-- main.sh # source based common.sh then execute entry point instruction
Extended Image Dockerfile
in any case, keep that :
FROM $baseImage
MAINTAINER $author $url
ADD files.tar /scripts
RUN bash /scripts/install.sh
then define only EXPOSE VOLUME & ENV instructions
Building Process
build script archive project files in files.tar then execute the Docker build command.
./build [optionalTag]
no need to worry about pwd, docker repository and image name depends on directory structure. you can keep same build script in any project