
113 lines
2.7 KiB

**bes-build** is a small bash bes application to build bash program.
the building process simply consist to append shell script files from your `src/` project directory
into a single `dist/project` executable file
since version **0.5** **bes-build** attempt to be a *dependency manager* like `composer` (for php projects) but in a more extra-light way
since version **0.7** **bes-build** is able to manage his own dependencies on self building process
### Install
bash ./bes-build -i
### Usage
# change directory to your project
cd /home/repo/meta-tech/bes
# you can now execute program with :
# to display help execute :
bes-build -h
### Requirements
using **bes-build** script require you to conform to these following rules :
* respect this directory structure :
|--- bes.ini # project information and requirements (optional)
|--- dist/project # project build (auto generated by bes-build)
|--- src/
| |
| |---
| |---
| | ...
| |---
|--- vendor/ # project dependencies (auto generated by bes-build update)
* each `src/` shell file require a `shebang` on first line (**#!/bin/bash**)
* `src/` file is append to the end of the build file
* we strongly recommand you to use function and prefix function name
### Dependency Manager
**note:** This functionnality is still in progress
to use **bes-build** like a dependency manager, you need a `bes.ini` file in your application root path
bes.echo = 1.4
then you can run the `update` command before building
bes-build update
**bes-build** call `git` on a `vendor` directory and clone the require lib
on next build, **bes-build** will append the dependencies to your dist file
### External dependencies
since version 0.6 you can now add external dependencies :
test.echo =
### Releasing bes lib
if you intend to release your lib as a bes dependency you must provide a bes.ini file as following :
(example is taken from bes-echo)
vendor = bes
name = echo
version = 1.4
license = "GNU GPL v3"
author = a-Sansara
type = library
homepage = ""
description = "bash bes display utility library"
keywords = "bash, bes"
bes.color = 1.4