731 lines
27 KiB
731 lines
27 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# impra/index.py
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# software : ImpraStorage <http://kirmah.sourceforge.net/>
# version : 1.01
# date : 2014
# licence : GPLv3.0 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# author : a-Sansara <[a-sansara]at[clochardprod]dot[net]>
# copyright : pluie.org <http://www.pluie.org/>
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# This file is part of ImpraStorage.
# ImpraStorage is free software (free as in speech) : you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
# or (at your option) any later version.
# ImpraStorage is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
# more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with ImpraStorage. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ module index ~~
from binascii import a2b_base64
from collections import Counter
from json import dumps as jdumps, loads as jloads
from re import split as regsplit, match as regmatch, compile as regcompile, search as regsearch
from psr.sys import Sys, Io, Const
from psr.log import Log
from psr.imap import BadLoginException
from impra.mail import MailBuilder
from kirmah.crypt import Kirmah, BadKeyException
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ class ImpraIndex ~~
class ImpraIndex:
"""A representation of the index stored on the server"""
"""Separator used for internal key such categories"""
UID = 0
HASH = 1
SIZE = 3
EXT = 5
USER = 6
CATG = 7
KEY = 9
KEY_EXT = '.key'
def __init__(self, key, path, dicCategory={}, accountList={}, emit=False):
"""Initialize the index with rsa and encoded data
`key` : str
appropriate key to decrypt/encrypt data
`mark` : str
appropriate mark to check correct key
`encdata` : str
initial content of the index encrypted with Kirmah Algorythm
and representing a dic index as json string
self.pathPlain = path[:-len(Kirmah.EXT)]
self.keyPath = self.pathPlain+self.KEY_EXT
self.path = path
Io.set_data(self.keyPath, key)
self.dic = {}
self.acclist = accountList
encdata = Io.get_data(path, True) if Io.file_exists(path) else b''
if encdata == b'' :
self.dic = {}
self.id = 1
else :
self.dic = self.decrypt(path)
l = [self.dic[k][self.UID] for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)]
if len(l) > 0 :
self.id = max(l)+1
else: self.id = 1
for k in dicCategory :
if k == 'users' :
for k1 in dicCategory[k]:
if self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+k in self.dic:
if k1 not in self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+k]:
self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+k][k1] = dicCategory[k][k1]
else :
if not self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+k in self.dic:
self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+k] = dicCategory[k]
def add(self, key, label, count, ext='', usr='', cat='', fhash='', size=0, account=''):
"""Add an entry to the index
if self.get(fhash) == None :
self.dic[fhash] = (self.id, fhash, label, size, count, ext, usr, cat, account, key)
self.id +=1
return self.id-1
else :
Sys.dprint(label+' already exist')
def addUser(self, nameFrom, hashName):
if not self.hasUser(hashName):
self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][hashName] = nameFrom
def hasUser(self, hashName):
if not self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users' in self.dic:
self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'] = {}
return hashName in self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users']
def getUser(self, hashName):
usrName = 'Anonymous'
if self.hasUser(hashName):
usrName = self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][hashName]
return usrName
def getAllCatgs(self):
return self.dic[self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'catg'].split(',') if self.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'catg' in self.dic else []
def rem(self,label):
"""Remove the selected label from the index"""
self.dic.pop(label, None)
def getAutoCatg(self,ext):
catg = 'none'
if regsearch('\.(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)',ext):
catg = 'images'
elif regsearch('\.(txt|doc|odt|csv|pdf)',ext):
catg = 'doc'
elif regsearch('\.(sh|py|c|cpp|h|php|bash)',ext):
catg = 'code'
elif regsearch('\.(mp4|avi|mpg|mpeg|flv|ogv)',ext):
catg = 'films'
elif regsearch('\.(mp3|ogg|flac)',ext):
catg = 'music'
elif regsearch('\.(zip|7z|tar|gz|rar|bz|xz|jar|bz2)',ext):
catg = 'archives'
return catg
def isEmpty(self):
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)]
return len(r) == 0
def getLabel(self, key):
"""Get label corresponding to key in the index
:Returns: `str`|None label
value = ''
row = self.get(key)
if row is not None :
value = row[self.LABEL]
def get(self, key):
"""Get the corresponding key in the index
:Returns: `tuple` row
row = None
if key in self.dic : row = self.dic.get(key)
return row
def edit(self, key, label=None, category=None):
"""Get the corresponding key in the index
:Returns: `tuple` row
done = False
row = self.dic[key]
r = list(row)
if label != None :
try :
name, ext = Sys.getFileExt(label)
r[self.LABEL] = name
if ext is not '' :
r[self.EXT] = ext
except Exception as e :
r[self.LABEL] = label
if category != None :
r[self.CATG] = category
self.dic[key] = tuple(r)
done = row != self.dic[key]
return done
def getById(self, sid):
"""Get the corresponding id in the index
:Returns: `str`|None key
l = None
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and self.dic[k][self.UID] == int(sid)]
if len(r)==1 : l = r[0]
return l
def fixAccount(self,account):
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)]
for k in r:
t = list(self.dic[k])
if len(t)-1 < self.ACCOUNT:
t[self.ACCOUNT] = account
self.dic[k] = tuple(t)
def getLightestAccount(self,l):
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)]
t = {}
for k in r:
if not self.dic[k][self.ACCOUNT] in t: t[self.dic[k][self.ACCOUNT]] = self.dic[k][self.SIZE]
else: t[self.dic[k][self.ACCOUNT]] += int(self.dic[k][self.SIZE])
profile = None
r = []
for a in l:
if not a in t :
profile = a
else :
if profile is None :
d = sorted(r, reverse=False, key=lambda lst:lst[0])
profile = d[0][1]
return profile
def fixDuplicateIds(self):
"""Get corresponding keys of duplicate ids in the index
:Returns: `str`|None key
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)]
l = [(k,self.dic[k][self.UID]) for k in r]
l2 = [k[1] for k in l]
if len(l2)> 0 :
mxid = max(l2)
l3 = [x for x, y in Counter(l2).items() if y > 1]
d = [k[0] for k in l if any( k[1] == v for v in l3)]
for k in d:
mxid += 1
t = list(self.dic[k])
t[self.UID] = mxid
self.dic[k] = tuple(t)
self.id = mxid+1
self.id = 1
d = ()
return len(d)>0
def getByLabel(self,label):
"""Get the corresponding label in the index
:Returns: `str`|None key
l = None
r = [k for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and self.dic[k][self.LABEL] == label]
if len(r)==1: l = r[0]
return l
def getByPattern(self,pattern):
"""Get ids corresponding to label matching the pattern in the index
:Returns: `[uid]`|None matchIds
l = None
r = [ k for i,k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and regsearch(pattern,self.dic[k][self.LABEL]) is not None ]
l = [self.dic[k][self.UID] for k in r]
return l
def getByCategory(self,category):
"""Get ids corresponding to category
:Returns: `[uid]`|None matchIds
l = None
r = [ k for i,k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and regsearch(category,self.dic[k][self.CATG]) is not None ]
l = [self.dic[k][self.UID] for k in r]
return l
def getByAccount(self,account):
"""Get ids corresponding to account
:Returns: `[uid]`|None matchIds
l = None
r = [ k for i,k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and account==self.dic[k][self.ACCOUNT] ]
l = [self.dic[k][self.UID] for k in r]
return l
def getByUser(self,user):
"""Get ids corresponding to category
:Returns: `[uid]`|None matchIds
l = None
r = [ k for i,k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN) and regsearch(user,self.getUser(self.dic[k][self.USER])) is not None ]
l = [self.dic[k][self.UID] for k in r]
return l
def getIntersection(self,list1, list2):
"""Get ids intercept list1 and list2
:Returns: `[uid]`|None matchIds
l = [ i for i in set(list1).intersection(set(list2))]
return l
def encrypt(self, fromPath=None):
if fromPath is None :
fromPath = self.pathPlain
Sys.pwlog([(' Encrypt Index... ' , Const.CLZ_0, True)])
Io.set_data(fromPath, jdumps(self.dic))
call = ' '.join([Sys.executable, 'kirmah-cli.py', 'enc', '-qfj2' if Sys.isUnix() else '-qf', fromPath, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', fromPath+Kirmah.EXT, '-k', self.keyPath ])
#~ print(call)
Sys.pwlog([(' done', Const.CLZ_2, True)])
return Io.get_data(fromPath+Kirmah.EXT, True)
def decrypt(self, fromPath=None):
done = False
try :
if fromPath is None :
fromPath = self.path
toPath = fromPath[:-len(Kirmah.EXT)] if fromPath.endswith(Kirmah.EXT) else fromPath+'.dump'
if Io.file_exists(fromPath) :
Sys.pwlog([(' Decrypt Index... ' , Const.CLZ_0, True)])
call = ' '.join([Sys.executable, 'kirmah-cli.py', 'dec', '-qfj2' if Sys.isUnix() else '-qf', fromPath, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', toPath, '-k', self.keyPath ])
data = jloads(Io.get_data(toPath))
else :
data = {}
done = True
except ValueError as e:
raise BadKeyException(e)
Sys.pwlog([(' done'if done else ' ko' , Const.CLZ_2 if done else Const.CLZ_1, True)])
return data
def print(self,order='ID', matchIds=None):
"""Print index content as formated bloc"""
#~ Sys.clear()
#~ Cli.print_header()
#~ AbstractCli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR,Const.LINE_SEP_LEN)
inv = order.startswith('-')
if inv : order = order[1:]
orderIndex = self.COLS.index(order)
if orderIndex is None : orderIndex = self.COLS.index('ID')
d = sorted([(self.dic.get(k),k) for i, k in enumerate(self.dic) if not k.startswith(self.SEP_KEY_INTERN)], reverse=inv, key=lambda lst:lst[0][orderIndex])
sizeid = 1+Sys.ceil(len(str(len(d))))
if sizeid < 3 : sizeid = 3
addsize = abs(3 - sizeid);
sort = '^' if inv else '_' #'ↆ'
space = (4+addsize, 8, 38, 10, 3, 5, 11, 24-addsize, 13)
for i, s in enumerate(self.COLS[:-1]):
symb, c = sort if order == s else ' ', Sys.Clz.BG4+Sys.Clz.fgB7 if order != s else Sys.Clz.BG7+Sys.Clz.fgB4
Sys.echo ((' '+s+symb).ljust(space[i],' ') , c, False, False)
Sys.echo('', c)
a = ''
tsize = 0
psize = 0
acc = {}
wrap = '… ' if Sys.isUnix() else '/ '
for v,k in d :
if matchIds==None or v[self.UID] in matchIds:
if v[self.SIZE] == '' : v[self.SIZE] = 0
a = ''
Sys.echo(str(v[self.UID]).rjust(sizeid+1,' ') , Sys.Clz.bg1+Sys.Clz.fgB7, False)
Sys.echo(' '+str(k).ljust(9,' ')[0:6]+wrap , Sys.Clz.fgN2, False)
if len(v[self.LABEL])>36 : a = wrap
Sys.echo(str(v[self.LABEL][:36]+a).ljust(38,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgN7, False)
j = 0
for c in v[self.LABEL][:36] :
Sys.echo(str(c) , Sys.Clz.fgN7, False, False)
Sys.echo('?' , Sys.Clz.fgN7, False, False)
j += 1
Sys.echo(''.ljust(38-j,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgN7, False, False)
a = ''
Sys.echo(Sys.readableBytes(v[self.SIZE])[:9].rjust(9,' ')+' '*2 , Sys.Clz.fgN5, False)
Sys.echo(str(v[self.PARTS]).rjust(2 ,'0') +' '*2 , Sys.Clz.fgN1, False)
Sys.echo(str(v[self.EXT][:6]).ljust(7,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgn3, False)
Sys.echo(self.getUser(str(v[self.USER])).ljust(11 ,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgn7, False)
#~ Sys.echo(str(v[self.CATG]).ljust(30 ,' ') , Clz.fgN3)
if len(v[self.CATG])>22 : a = wrap
Sys.echo(str(v[self.CATG][:22]+a).ljust(24 ,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgN3, False)
a = ''
if len(v)-2==self.ACCOUNT:
if v[self.ACCOUNT] in self.acclist :
if len(self.acclist[v[self.ACCOUNT]])>11 : a = '…'
Sys.echo(str(self.acclist[v[self.ACCOUNT]][:11]+a).ljust(12 ,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgN4)
else :
Sys.echo(str(v[self.ACCOUNT][:11]+'!').ljust(12 ,' ') , Sys.Clz.fgN4)
if v[self.ACCOUNT] in acc :
acc[v[self.ACCOUNT]] += int(v[self.SIZE])
else : acc[v[self.ACCOUNT]] = int(v[self.SIZE])
else: Sys.dprint()
psize += int(v[self.SIZE])
tsize += int(v[self.SIZE])
if len(d)==0:
Sys.echo(' empty', Sys.Clz.fgB1)
c = Sys.Clz.fgB2
if psize != tsize : c = Sys.Clz.fgB7
Sys.echo(' size : ', Sys.Clz.fgB3, False)
Sys.echo(Sys.readableBytes(psize)[:9].rjust(9,' '), c, False)
if psize != tsize :
Sys.echo(' / ', Sys.Clz.fgB3, False)
Sys.echo(Sys.readableBytes(tsize), Sys.Clz.fgB2, False)
#~ Sys.echo(' '*4+'[', Sys.Clz.fgB7, False)
#~ sep = ''
#~ for k in acc:
#~ if k!= '':
#~ Sys.echo(sep+k,Sys.Clz.fgB3,False)
#~ Sys.echo(':',Sys.Clz.fgB7,False)
#~ Sys.echo(Sys.readableBytes(acc[k]),Sys.Clz.fgB2,False)
#~ if sep=='':sep = ','
#~ Sys.echo(']', Sys.Clz.fgB7, False)
#~ mprint()
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~ class IndexUpdater ~~
class IndexUpdater:
def __init__(self, ih, conf, wkdir='./', emit=None):
self.idx = None
self.index = None
self.emit = emit
self.delids = []
self.ih = ih
self.conf = conf
self.pathIdx = wkdir+'.index.'+self.conf.profile+Kirmah.EXT
self.mb = MailBuilder(self.conf.get('salt','keys'))
self.rootBox = self.conf.get('box','imap')
def _getId(self, notAssign=False):
idx = None
ids = self.ih.searchBySubject(self.mb.getHashName('index'),True)
if len(ids) > 0 and int(ids[0]) >= 0 :
idx = ids[-1]
if not notAssign: self.delids = ids[:-1]
if not notAssign:
self.idx = idx
return idx
def get(self, forceRefresh=False):
index = None
uid = self.conf.get('uid' ,'index')
date = self.conf.get('date' ,'index')
tstamp = self.conf.get('time' ,'index')
refresh = forceRefresh
delta = None if tstamp is None else Sys.datetime.now() - Sys.datetime.strptime(tstamp[:-7], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if not refresh and tstamp is not None and delta < Sys.timedelta(minutes = 3) :
# getFromFile
if uid != None and Io.file_exists(self.pathIdx): # int(self.idx) == int(uid)
self.idx = uid
Sys.pwlog([(' Get index from cache ' , Const.CLZ_7),
('(' , Const.CLZ_0),
(str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2),
(')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)])
else: refresh = True
else: refresh = True
self.irefresh = refresh
if refresh :
Sys.pwlog([(' Checking index...', Const.CLZ_0, True)])
if self.idx :
if int(self.idx) != int(uid) or not Io.file_exists(self.pathIdx):
Sys.pwlog([(' Refreshing index (local:', Const.CLZ_0),
(str(int(uid)) , Const.CLZ_2),
(' / remote:' , Const.CLZ_0),
(str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_1),
(')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)])
date = self.ih.headerField(self.idx, 'date', True)
self.conf.sets((['uid' , str(int(self.idx)) , 'index'],
['date' , date , 'index'],
['time' , str(Sys.datetime.now()), 'index']))
else :
Sys.pwlog([(' Get index from cache ' , Const.CLZ_7),
('(' , Const.CLZ_0),
(str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2),
(')' , Const.CLZ_0, True)])
def build(self):
Sys.pwlog([(' Reading index, please wait...', Const.CLZ_7, True)])
self.index = ImpraIndex(self.conf.get('key','keys'), self.pathIdx, self.getIndexDefaultCatg(), self.getAccountList())
defUsers = self.conf.get('users','catg')
if not ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users' in self.index.dic:
self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'] = {}
for k in self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users']:
if self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k] not in [ i.strip() for i in defUsers.split(',')]:
self.conf.set('users',defUsers+', '+self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k],'catg')
def getAccountList(self):
l = {}
pl = self.conf.get('multi','imap')
if pl is not None and len(pl)>0 :
pl = pl.split(',')
if len(pl) > 0:
if not self.conf.profile in pl:
else : pl = [self.conf.profile]
for p in pl : l[p] = self.conf.get('user','imap',p)
return l
def getIndexDefaultCatg(self):
usrName = self.conf.get('name','infos')
defUsers = self.conf.get('users','catg').split(',')
dic = {'catg':self.conf.get('types','catg'), 'users':{ ('%s' % self.mb.getHashName('all')) : 'all', ('%s' % self.mb.getHashName(usrName)) : usrName}}
for u in defUsers :
dic['users'][('%s' % self.mb.getHashName(u.strip()))] = u.strip()
return dic
def _saveLocalIndex(self):
if not self.idx : self._getId()
if self.idx :
msg = self.ih.getEmail(self.idx, True)
content = b''
for part in msg.walk():
content += part.get_payload(decode=True)
Io.set_data(self.pathIdx, a2b_base64(content), True)
def removeLocal(self):
self.idx = None
def remove(self):
if self.idx!= None : self.delids.append(Io.bytes(self.idx))
self.ih.delete(self.delids, True)
self.idx = None
except Exception as e :
Sys.dprint('error : ')
def update(self):
if self.idx != None :
if not isinstance(self.idx,bytes):
self.idx = Io.bytes(self.idx)
except Exception as e :
Sys.dprint('error : ')
#~ self.index.fixAccount('gmail5')
msgIndex = self.mb.buildIndex(self.pathIdx)
_, self.idx = self.ih.send(msgIndex.as_string(), self.rootBox)
date = self.ih.headerField(self.idx, 'date', True)
self.conf.sets((['uid' , self.idx , 'index'],
['date' , date , 'index'],
['time' , str(Sys.datetime.now()), 'index']))
Sys.pwlog([(' Index updated (' , Const.CLZ_0),
(str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2),
(') ' , Const.CLZ_0),
(str(date) , Const.CLZ_7, True)])
try :
self.ih.delete(self.delids, True)
except :
Sys.dprint('error : ')
return True
def switchFileAccount(self, profile=None, force=False):
pl = self.conf.get('multi','imap')
if pl is not None and len(pl)>0 :
pl = pl.split(',')
if len(pl) > 0:
if not self.conf.profile in pl:
iconf = self.ih.conf
account = self.conf.get('user','imap',profile)
if True or iconf.user != account :
# reinit
iconf.user = None
try :
if profile is None : profile = self.index.getLightestAccount(pl)
if profile in pl :
iconf.user = self.conf.get('user','imap',profile)
iconf.pwd = self.conf.get('pass','imap',profile)
iconf.host = self.conf.get('host','imap',profile)
iconf.port = self.conf.get('port','imap',profile)
self.ih.switchAccount(iconf, self.rootBox, force)
except BadLoginException as e:
Sys.dprint('Error : ')
Sys.dprint('check your connection or your imap config for profile '+profile)
if profile is None: profile = self.conf.profile
return profile