# pluie-yaml vala shared library managing yaml files and yaml nodes in vala language. ## Prerequisites valac meson ninja glib gio gee gobject pluie-echo ## Install git clone the project then cd to project and do : ``` meson --prefix=/usr ./ build sudo ninja install -C build ``` ## Compilation ``` valac --pkg gee-0.8 --pkg pluie-echo-0.2 --pkg pluie-yaml-0.3 main.vala ``` ## Api / Documentation https://pluie.org/pluie-yaml-0.3/index.htm (comming soon) ## Docker a demo image will be available on docker hub. you can run a container with : ``` docker run --rm -it pluie/libyaml ``` ## Usage ``` var loader = new Yaml.Loader (path); if ((done = loader.done)) { Yaml.NodeRoot root = loader.get_nodes (); root.display_childs (); } ``` ### more samples see samples files in ./samples directory