using GLib; using Pluie; errordomain MyError { CODE } int main (string[] args) { Echo.init (true, "echo.ini"); (Log.METHOD, null, Log.LINE, Log.FILE); of.title ("MyApp", "0.2.2", "a-sansara"); of.echo ("sample echo\n"); of.keyval ("path", "/tmp/blob"); of.keyval ("otherlongoption", "other value"); of.echo ("\nsample echo\non multiple\nline", true, true); of.action ("reading config", "toto.conf"); of.state (false); of.warn ("boloss warning"); of.echo (); var cmd = new Sys.Cmd ("ls -la"); int status =; of.action ("running cmd",; of.echo ("\n%s".printf (cmd.output), true, true); of.state (status == 0); try { throw new MyError.CODE("this is the error message"); } catch (MyError e) { of.error (e.message); } (true); (true, "ok"); (false, "", "exit"); of.echo(); string com = "Vala is syntactically similar to C# and includes several features such as: anonymous functions, signals, properties, generics, assisted memory management, exception handling, type inference, and foreach statements.[3] Its developers Jürg Billeter and Raffaele Sandrini aim to bring these features to the plain C runtime with little overhead and no special runtime support by targeting the GObject object system"; string mycom = of.wordwrap (com, of.term_width-44); int line = mycom.split("\n").length; of.echo (mycom, true, true, ECHO.COMMENT, 40); of.usage_option ("quiet", "q", "SHUTUP", false, line); of.echo(); of.echo (mycom, true, true, ECHO.COMMENT, 40); of.usage_option ("record-desktop", "r", "TIME", false, line); of.echo(); Dbg.out (Log.METHOD, null, Log.LINE, Log.FILE); return 0; }